香港經濟日報 電子報 app for iPhone and iPad
《香港經濟日報 電子報》原版上載全份《香港經濟日報》,透過 iPhone 手機及 iPad 平板機原汁原味瀏覽一個月報章內容及隨報送《投資理財周刊》及《置業家居》。我們更自設編採隊伍,提供更多獨到分析,包括投資分析、即時新聞、名家專欄等。
昔日內容增至 30 日 :
可重溫 30 日內報章內容及4 期雜誌;
離線閱讀 :
預先下載內容(建議以 Wi-Fi 下載)後可作離線閱讀;
兩種閱讀模式 :
我的書籤 :
社交分享 :
增加社交媒體分享。另外,整合剪報與 Facebook 分享功能,可儲存原版內容或分享予 Facebook 好友。
Latest reviews of 香港經濟日報 電子報 app for iPhone and iPad
It is no way to log in, since it doesnt show how and where to register
Extremely slow download speed, multiple connection drops when accessing from Canada. Other apps like 東方,頭條 runs better, and they are free!
第一頁是問user Id and password but nowhere in that page allow join or tell you how to get user is and password. Forgive me but this is stupid if you ask me!
Cant login but I am a subscriber
I am a HKET online newspaper subscriber but cant login using this iPad App with a reject reason: 服務只提供特定用戶。However, I can use safari on the same iPad to gain access to HKET online content for subscriber the next second. Pls fix this.
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Usually 香港經濟日報 電子報 iOS app used & searched for
the economic times,
economic times,
and other. So, download free 香港經濟日報 電子報 .ipa to run this nice iOS application on iPhone and iPad.